The War of 1812


The Battle of Crysler's Farm (Nobvember 11th, 1813)

Author: [HWK]SirWilliam. The American right, the 21st U.S. Infantry under Colonel Eleazer Wheelock Ripley advanced and drove the British skirmish line back through the woods. Covington's brigade struggled across a ravine and deployed into line, under shrapnel fire, Boyd could not bring all his six guns into action until his infantry were already falling back. At about half past four. Almost all the American army was in full retreat. This map is a relatively small and is a good 1v1 battle map, no upgrades, American forces blue are obligated to attack.



The Battle of Lundy's Lane (July 25, 1814)

Author: [HWK]THE_DRAKE; Our first official map for the War of 1812, here is represented the bloodiest battle ever fought on Canadian soil. The invading American forces (blue), recently victorious at Chippawa, are pushing north past Niagra Falls. A mixed force of Canadian and British regulars and militia (red) has taken up position on a hill, and with re-enforcements on the way, are determined to give battle and keep Canada for Britain. There is a map objective, so read Map Information carefully.

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The Battle of New Orleans (January 8th, 1815)

Author: [HWK]SirWilliam; The battle that saw a veteran British force needlesly wasted in a hopeless frontal assault, and a mixed US force of regulars, Kentucky riflemen, militia, blacks, indians and even pirates claim an amazing victory also launched the American commander, Andrew Jackson, into the presidency. This engagement was fought weeks after the Treaty of Ghent had already been signed, but the victory was none-the-less a great boost to America's national pride.

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