The Fourth Coalition 1806-1807


The Battle of Jena; (October 14th, 1806)

Author: [HWK]Stu. The first blow of the one-two punch that knocked Prussia to its knees, this map sees the French army (blue) on the attack against the Prussians (black) who have taken up positions anchored in local villages. Using the Osprey publication “Jena 1806”, Stu has recreated a beautiful map that features all the heights, hills and towns featured in the book. No up-grades or map rules, French attack. Read text in download before playing.



The Battle of Auerstadt; (October 14th, 1806)

Author: [HWK]Stu. This battle although overshadowed by Napoleon Bonaparte's nearby victory at Jena, was one of Marshal Davout's greatest victories over Prussian army - more than twice the size of his force. The French army (blue) are on the defensive against the Prussians (black). No up-grades or map rules, Prussians attack.



The Battle of Pultusk (December 26, 1806)

Author: [HWK]Stu. The Battle of Pultusk took place in Poland, between 35,000 Russian soldiers with 128 guns under Bennigsen and 25,000 French soldiers under Marshal Lannes. The French (blue) attack on this map against the Russian (green) defense. There are no map rules or up-grades.



The Battle of Heilsberg (June 10, 1807)

Author: [HWK]SirWilliam; The battle that pre-ceded Friedland by 4 days, this conflict saw both sides worn down and Napoleon seriously stalled by his stubborn enemy. The Russian/Prussian army of Bennigsen (green) thwarted every major assault from behind their formidable redoubts and even threatened to engulf a daring cavalry charge with their own counter-attack. The French (blue) must drive the Allies from their positions and from the town though a draw can be called if the allies retain control of the town at the end of hostilities. Read enclosed text before playing.



The Battle of Friedland (June 14, 1807)

Author: [HWK]Stu, The Russian army (green) has crossed the River Alle against what was an inferior French force. Having secured the town, the Russians inexplicably stop and begin an artillery duel with the French (blue). Now, Napoleon has arrived with the rest of the French army and seeing the Russians with their backs to the river, decides the time is right for a counter-attack. French are on the offensive, This map can be played using objectives, Austria must try to hold her gains, especially the town of Friedland, no up-grades.



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