The Campaign Of Russian 1812


The Battle of Valutina Gora (August 19, 1812)

Author: [HWK]Stone. The Russian army (green) is on the run from the Grande Arm�e (blue) after having lost the battle for Smolensk. Russian General Pavel Alekseievich Tuchkov stages a rear-guard action to protect the main Russian army from destruction as it flees towards Moscow, with the battles at Shevaradino and Borodino soon to follow. Some 20 to 30,000 Russians must hold some 50,000 French, commanded by Marshall Ney and General Junot in desperate fighting near the Russian village of Valutina Gora. Victory conditions apply.

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The Battle of Shevardino; (September 5, 1812)

Author: [HWK]Sirwilliam. The first Hawks’ map to address that epic of human effort and ultimate catastrophe known as the Russian Campaign, this map re-creates that early period of the campaign where the French army (blue) formed of men from most of Europe seem destined to conquer Mother Russia. The season and area are accurately portrayed here in color and texture using many historical paintings. The Russian’s (green) have fortified several hilltops with formidable redoubts but must hold the foremost of these in order to win. Read enclosed text.



The Battle of Borodino (September 7th, 1812)

Author: [HWK]Stu. Immortalized in Leo Tolsoy's "War and Peace", this battle is said to be the single bloodiest day of the Napoleonic Wars, if not modern history. This epic engagement saw 130,000 troops from across Napoleon's Empire (blue) attack a larger Russian army (green) firmly ensconced behind a formidable combination of man-made and natural defenses. The resolute if un-imaginative frontal attack finally pushed the Russians back, and a night retreat left the French in possesion of the field, and the way to Moscow wide open.

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The Battle of Berezina (November 26-29, 1812)

Author: [HWK]Stone. The tables are now turned on Napoleon as the Grande Arm�e (blue) retreat from Moscow and the Russian winter with its devastating attrition on the ill-prepared French army. France and her allies are fighting a desperate rear-guard action near the Berezina River, with some 49,000 effectives. Russian forces (blue), numbering nearly 140,000 effectives and commanded by Generals Chichagov and Wittgenstein, are converging on the remnant Grande Arm�e through a pincer movement on either side of the River Berezina. The French must prevent the total destruction of the Grand Arm�e and of a host of some 40,000 stragglers before they reach the safety of the West. Victory conditions apply.

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