The Hundred Days War 1815


Ligny; (June 16, 1815)

Author: [HWK]Stu. This is the club's second version of Napoleon's final victory, and incorporates an additional strategic element to add to the fun. That element is the delay put on the Guard (written on the map itself) that holds them back until the attacking French (blue) see their population dip below 3,000...replicating the desperation that finally saw Napoleon commit his elite troops to break the resolute Prussians (black). The disparity of forces, delayed Guard attack and map dispositions make for some highly compelling game play.

Map Information



Quatre Bras (June 16, 1815)

Author: [HWK]Stu; The battle that was to set the stage for Waterloo, this vital crossroads' town in Belgium would see a determined assault by the French (blue) rebuffed by even more determined forces of English, Dutch and Belgians (red). There are time delays on troops in this battle concerning columns of re-enforcements.



Waterloo (June 18, 1815)

Author: [HWK]Stu; The Battle of Waterloo, was Napoleon Bonaparte's last battle. His defeat led swiftly to his final overthrow as ruler of France. Against him were the allied forces, commanded by the United Kingdom's Duke of Wellington, and Prussia's Gebhard von Bl�cher. While they posed an immediate threat (and were close to France's north east frontier), Napoleon, however, chose to attack them before they crossed the frontier to attack him. The map is a splendid addition to the 100 days campaign, French (blue) are obligated to attack the allies (red). No upgrades.



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