The Second Coalition 1798-1801


The Battle of Zurich (June 4-7 1799)

Author: [HWK]Bud, Zurich; Austrian Campaigns (June 4-7 1799) As more than 40,000 Austrians swarmed into Switzerland (Green) Marshall Massena was sent to fend them off and met them with some 30,000 French troops (Blue) at Zurich. The subsequent four-day battle was a ferocious one - with the Austrians eager to continue their run of victories and the French doggedly determined to halt their progress. Eventually, the weight of numbers was too great for Massena whose force withdrew to safer ground. He left behind 1700 casualties, while the Austrians suffered almost 3500.



The Battle of Zurich (September 26 1799)

Author: [HWK]Bud, Zurich; Austrian Campaigns (September 26 1799) Three months after the first battle of Zurich, a reinforced Marshal Massena's found himself in another unenviable position of having to fend off vastly greater numbers of Russians under the legendary Field Marshal Suvarov. The French commander, however, acted with a Bonapartish style and, after sending a small force to slow Suvarov's progress through the passes, rounded on the other Russian army under General Alexander Korsakov. He smashed into the Russians and scattered them, causing 8000 casualties and capturing supplies, baggage and cannons. Then, Massena turned on Suvarov and in a brilliant offensive operation drove him away - killing, wounding and capturing almost 14,000 Russians.



The Battle of Marengo (June 14th, 1800)

Author: [HWK]Stu. A battle key to the survival of Revolutionary France, and one which cemented Napoleon’s power within it, this engagement could easily have been Napoleon’s Waterloo, 15 years early. The Austrians (green) are about to surround and obliterate Marshall Victor’s troops but other French divisions have been turned back by Napoleon to assist. Heroically doomed Desaix is also "marching to the sound of the guns". There are no map rules or up-grades, green attacks, please read enclosed text file for description of the map and battle.



The Battle of Hohenlinden (December 3, 1800)

Author: [HWK]Stu. The Austrians (green) under Duke Charles are moving in several columns to attack the French Revolutionary army under Moreau. Spotting that the Austrians are thus divided, Moreau decides to attack, and defeat his approaching enemy in pieces. This map features some great snowy landscape and intricate river beds. Look for checker-blocking in forested areas and at other terrain features. Austrians are obliged to attack, few houses are able to be garrisoned, no-upgrades. Read enclosed material first.



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